Designs By Jewel

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cocoa in a Jar

I have been buying canning jars here in there to stock up a little bit for Christmas gifts and was just unsure of what I wanted to put into them. Until I was doing my usual blog checking to see what is up in the scrappin world and I came across a cute Cocoa in a Jar post in Heather Roselli's Blog. Here is what the wonderful free download looks like...

(if you download it from her site please leave the girls some love)

This Im sure took me longer then it should have but with having my 2 boys all the time and 5 others 40 hours of the week its hard to finish anything LOL Here are some pics I took here and there while working on them.

Here is for the most part what I used to make it all.

Some of the work in progress.

And finally Caden and I finished it up tonight YAY!!!

My first real hybrid project Im so proud of myself. Now I just have to figure out who Im giving them to HAHAHA


SweetChicBaby said...

Ahhh they came out awesome!!! Great job Jewel. Well if you have any extras you can send one to me lol!!

Hypnotik said...

WOW! Those look awesome. Hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving!