Designs By Jewel

Monday, November 3, 2008

Pics From Halloween

What a long night Halloween was. As soon as all the kids I watched got picked up we were out the door(around 5). Our first stop was main street. We didn't do the store to store trick or treating this year since the lines were sooo long. So we just found the firemen so Caden could tell them hi and get some glow sticks from them. Then off to different family members houses and hit up our neighborhood last. All together the boys got about half a grocery sack full of candy which is more then enough for the 2 of them. Well and maybe some pieces for me LOL Here are some pictures from Halloween night. I may have to redress the boys to get some better pictures it was a crazy night lol

Here is a little layout I made last night while trying to cope with the time difference. The picture was from last year since we are not gonna see snow if any for awhile here.

Kit Credit
The kit is called "Sally Snow by Gemini Creationz
You can buy this kit at Spoil Me Pink Scraps

1 comment:

Hypnotik said...

Aww look how cute the boys were! YOU look amazing! So jealous. The page yo made is adorable!!